So finally here is my new site and thought I should lay out my plan for it, and give that post a punny title.
My plan for the content here is mainly to share the photos I take in way where I'm in more control of how my photos are presented than I am on Instagram. In addition to that I'm going to write some short posts about shooting photos, the gear I use, trips I take, some food I eat, and other things that I think fit.
For the near future I am considering starting a shop on the site for prints but before I do I have some logistical questions to figure out. All of this has of course been done by many before but the idea of actually selling prints is for me a new possibility that only recently started feeling realistic.
As can be seen In the galleries on the site some of my shots have already found their way onto walls through people contacting me personally and if you need something I've shot on your wall contact me and we'll see how we can solve that.
With that I say good day and stay safe.